Sonicwall – Habilitar gerenciamento por SSH

Por: Dr. Delso Bonfante | May 8, 2013

Olá, meu nome é Diego Luisi e no artigo de hoje vou demonstrar como habilitar o gerenciamento do Sonicwall por SSH

1° )Primeiro habilite na interface desejada

Network > Interfaces > X0 > Configure


2° ) Confirme se a porta padrão é a 22

System > Administration > SSH Port:


3° ) Caso necessite habilitar o gerenciamento SSH por VPN

VPN > Settings > Configure


Espero que tenham gostado.



🚀 Enthusiastic about the DevOps culture and focused on Open Source technologies, I am passionate about automation, with 20 years of experience as a SysAdmin, currently working as an SRE, always open to learning new technologies and procedures to improve every day more as a professional. 👀 I’m interested in Open Source projects (Linux, CNCF, GitOps and Tools) 📚 I’m currently increasing my skills on AWS, K8S, Python, Backstage and some automations tools like Argo (CD, Autopilot, Events, Rollouts and Workflows). 🌱 Goals: Increase my programming skills. 💞 I love old and good Rock and Roll, on weekends traveling on a Harley Davidson.