Dell Equallogic Storage monitoring using Zabbix with LLD

Dell Equallogic Storage monitoring using Zabbix with LLD

Hello, my name is Diego Luisi and in today’s post I will demonstrate how to monitor DELL Equallogic Storage using Zabbix.

First we download the necessary files to the procedure (scrpt and template)

I made some improvements in the standard template, such as applications, graphics, etc.

Copy the file to the externascripts folder of your server zabbix, if you do not know the directory use the following command:

# Cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.c

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2 Responses

  1. Did you make any change from the original? I m trying to use the template com, but evething seems of place.

    • Hello,

      Yes, there are differences in the template look in applications, graphics and triggers that you will see some items that do not exist in the original.

      Thanks for visiting, come again!